Music of The Plants is one of the most innovative, tangible ways to demonstrate the conscious ability of nature.
When listening to plant music with the Music of The Plants device
People are inspired
People become more aware of how important nature is to us on earth
People develop a deeper appreciation and respect for nature
Listening to the music heals
How does it work?
Music of The Plants device deciphers and records plant impulses and interactions. It reads electrical variations when clipped onto a plant’s leaves and into the root systems and feeds this into a MIDI instrument, which converts into music in real time. This varies based on the response of the plant to external stimuli.
Plants determine the sequence of notes emitted by the device and they can modify it intentionally.
They respond to voices, playing of instruments, energies of people and the natural stimuli in the environment.
Pam Montgomery, author of “Plant Spirit Healing,” found that listening to Music of the Plants releases a hormone oxytocin in us. This initiates the restorative response, bringing our entire system – physically, mentally, emotionally into balance.
Once this is achieved, biophilia*, an innate Love for the natural world is achieved.
Biophilia, innate emotional affinity towards other forms of life on earth.
Listen to plants and a tree sing on “Order a device page”